5 castles in Sweden for your castle wedding


Hej! Maria heter jag och jag är bröllopsfotograf baserad mellan Stockholm & Uppsala i den lilla staden Sigtuna. Härifrån reser jag jorden runt för att föreviga brudpars kärlek!

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  1. Karam says:

    Mijn name is Karam, and I am searching a castle for my wedding in Sweden.
    My girlfriend live there and I live in the Netherland. We are planning to make our wedding party in the Sweden.
    I would like to know the prices of renting the castle for 1-2 days for my wedding.
    I hear from you

    • Hi! To see the different prices to rent to castles I think the best thing you could do would be to follow the link to the castle/castles you like the best and send them an inquiry. Please let me know if you need a wedding photographer when you have found your dream venue!

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stockholm, uppsala & världen